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How Ants Get Inside Athens Homes

ants on plate

As temperatures rise, many Athens homeowners are left wondering why and how ants suddenly appear trailing around the kitchen and other rooms. The problem is so pervasive that there are even superstitions surrounding the appearance of ants: Black ants are seen as auspicious, while red ants are considered unlucky, though no one wants ants in the home. Superstition aside, foraging ants aren't only searching for crumbs left in the kitchen—they enter the home seeking shelter and a reliable water source. 

Below, we'll discuss why ants are a persistent pest for Athens residents and how you can stop attracting ants into your home before the problem gets out of hand. You'll learn how to identify the most common ants in Athens to get rid of them more effectively—and when it's time to call in the Athens pest control professionals to settle your ant problem once and for all.

Why Ants Are A Constant Problem For Athens Residents

Georgia is located in a subtropical climate where humidity and heat quickly build as spring comes to a close. This heat drives ants to enter homes where the temperature is regulated, food is abundant, and water is easily accessible.

Those are also key issues that Athens homeowners may overlook until ants invade the home. To prevent recurrent ants, cultivating good habits surrounding home repair, food storage, and cleaning are the best remedy.

Five Mistakes Homeowners Make To Attract Ants

Like any living creature, ants in Athens need shelter and sustenance. Ants are more likely to enter the home as temperatures rise during spring and summer. However, some overwintering ant colonies may be tempted to enter your home. With a few simple adjustments, you can make your home less attractive to ants by eliminating these five "ant-welcoming" mistakes:

  1. Open Entry Points: Easily accessible entry points along your house's exterior, such as damaged door screens or window gaps, are a perfect unintentional invitation to ants. Fill holes and gaps with a caulking gun or liquid cement, and repair any other damage around the foundation to cancel their invitation.
  2. Stray Crumbs/Food Sources: Foraging ants will help themselves to stray crumbs left in the sink, on the counter, or on the table. They may also investigate boxes of dried foods. Wipe down all surfaces carefully after preparing meals, and seal dried foods in air-tight containers to let ants know they aren't welcome to it.
  3. Easy Water Access: Many types of ants rely on moisture for survival, and this is one point that homeowners often overlook. Eliminate water buildup around the interior and exterior of your home to keep ants away. Start by repairing any dripping water faucets.
  4. Too Much Clutter: Clean surfaces without clutter means fewer surface areas for ants to scour in their search for food. Clutter is appealing to ants, so thoroughly clean the house at least once a week. 
  5. Unemptied Trash: The smell of decaying food inside the trash and the moisture spot that often forms at the bottom of trash bags are strong attractants for ants. If you take the trash to the garage rather than directly out, you might unintentionally invite ants into your home. Always take trash bags with decaying food promptly outside to the garbage bins.

Eliminating these common issues can go a long way towards reducing the likelihood of an ant infestation. 

What Types Of Ants Live Around Athens?

To help stop ants from calling your house their home, you should learn about the types of ants that live around Athens. Here are a few of the ant species that are most common in Northeast Georgia year-round:

  • Acrobat Ants: Crematogaster spp are found in decaying wooded locations with high moisture content and may also build their nests in abandoned insect structures and Styrofoam insulation. These ants feast on dead and live insects, and when they move indoors, they target protein-rich food and sweets.
  • Argentine Ants: Linepithema humile is originally from the South American countries of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, hence its name "the Argentine ant." Light to dark brown, these ants host their colonies in shallow, damp areas, such as beneath stones or plants. When the weather turns too wet, dry, or cold, they move indoors.
  • Odorous House Ants: Tapinoma sessile earned its name, the "odorous house ant," from the rotting scent it emits when squashed. When it comes to odorous house ant identification, they range from dark brown to black colors, and their antennae lack a club. Their colonies contain a few thousand ants that commonly nest underneath bricks and lumber. When it rains, these ants move their colony and invade homes in search of food.

Regardless of the type of ant infesting your home, you undoubtedly want them gone as quickly as possible. The best way to eliminate ants in your house is to work with the professionals at American Pest Control.

Why Ants Are Best Left To The Professionals

One or two foraging ants may be quickly deterred with natural or over-the-counter remedies, such as sprinkling Diatomaceous earth or spraying an insecticide. However, ant control for homeowners can quickly get out of hand once a colony invades the home. Many ant colonies move their nests as a unit, and a recurring ant problem is best left to the Athens ant control professionals.

American Pest Control serves Northeast Georgia and provides effective methods for ridding Athens homes of ants. Contact our pest control experts today to discuss possible treatment options, so you can enjoy your home worry-free.

Our certified pest experts will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Simply fill out this form for a free, no-obligation estimate.

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